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The 63st Safety Caravan visit to Higashidori Nuclear Power Station
(under Construction), Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc.
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On 27, July 2004, the 63st Safety Caravan visit was held at Higashidori Nuclear Power Station(under Construction), Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc., located in Higashidori-mura Aomori Prefecture.


Safety Presentation

About 60 persons, including the employees of Higashidori Nuclear Power Station and cooperating companies, attended the Safety Presentation. At the beginning of the Presentation, Mr. Inoue, Deputy Senior Officer : General Manager of Higashidori Nuclear Power Station(under Construction), Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc., gave an address and said, “I would like to thank you very much for holding this visit of the Safety Caravan in order to spread a security culture. As for the construction of the Higashidori Nuclear Power Station, core loading is scheduled for December, and we consider that we are now in a period where we implement safety more than ever in concrete operations. In this context, I hope the holding of this visit of the Safety Caravan will constitute an opportunity to firmly establish a security culture at the construction works of the Higashidori Nuclear Power Station”.

Safety Presentation

After the address, Mr. Machida, Director Secretary-General of NSnet, introduced NSnet activities, and this was followed by a lecture entitled “Risk Management in Environmental Management” delivered by Mr. Asano, Fellow Environment management Division, Mitsubishi materials Corporation

Mr. Asano

In the lecture, he said, “Lately, an awareness of compliance and corporate social responsibility has become mandatory. In our present society, management that ignores or neglects the environment has become unjustifiable. Therefore, we are now in times when the environment must be given consideration in order to realize profits for the shareholders, which is the mission of corporate management. This mission must be fulfilled with environmental management as a given, and I believe that the basis of environmental management is environmental risk management. The secret of this environmental management basically lies in establishing a risk management system which eradicates risk factors, prevents risk materialization, and which is quick when a risk materializes. Eradicating risks and preventing materialization must especially be highly emphasized, and is something beingrequired for companies.”


Safety information exchange session


Safety information exchange session

Introduction of Activities to Create a Safety Culture and Exchange of Opinions


 In the safety information exchange session, following a request from Tohoku Electric Power Co., Inc., Mr. Yozo Sasaki, Manager, Quality and Safety Management Department, and Mr. Tomio Yasui, Deputy Manager, Quality Assurance Group, Quality and Safety Management Department, Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station, Tokyo Electric Power Co., addressed the audience, providing a more detailed presentation regarding the situation of efforts towards restoring confidence in nuclear power plants, including the “adoption of opinions from partner companies through various methods”, chosen as an example of good practice in peer review of the Fukushima Daini Nuclear Power Station, Tokyo Electric Power Co.


Mr. Yasui

 Mr. Sasaki


Following are some excerpts of the main exchanges of information and opinions:

What kinds of topics are addressed in the Non-conformity Commission that is held daily?

Anything non-compliant on the site is subject to examination by the Committee. For example, even topics such as water splashed on a floor are raised during the Committee. Even in the case of a minor fact, the person who notices it has to create and submit a Non-compliance Report.
I believe that the Opinion Box is an extremely good system, but for this system to last, responses must be given to the opinions. Are you experiencing any problems there?
We certainly receive various opinions from partner companies. We respond to any of them, and have been formulating responses only at Tokyo Denryoku in the past. However, we respond now after an examination in a Partnership Committee where partner companies also participate. I believe this enables us to avoid giving unilateral responses, and to provide responses that are also satisfactory to partner companies. 



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