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Frequently Asked Questions about Fukushima Accident
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Q-5 Was the hydrogen that caused the explosion at Unit 4 generated from fuel damage caused by the loss of spent fuel pool functions?Was the cooling water lost due to sloshing or earthquake-induced damage to pool lining?What was the cause of the hydrogen explosion ?
A: Since Unit 4’s spent fuel pool maintained its cooling water, there was almost no damage to the fuel at Unit 4.The low concentration of radioactive materials in the pool water also indicates that the fuel was not damaged.Because Unit 3 and Unit 4 shared the exhaust stack, it is suspected that, during the venting of Unit 3's containment vessel, hydrogen from Unit 3 traveled through the exhaust line to Unit 4 and entered into Unit 4's reactor building.This has been substantiated with the fact that Unit 4's heating, ventilation and air conditioning system was contaminated more severely on the downstream side.


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